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Printing problems with Subreports

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By: npnaot - npnaot

Printing problems with Subreports

2005-09-24 18:08

Hello All,


I have a master and 3 subreports all placed in the detail band in the following manners:







When I print the report to PDF, I expect all records from the 4 reports to display nicely together, instead there are excess blank spaces between the master and subreport1, subreport1 and subreport2, subreport2 and subreport3.


I would appreciate if anyone can tell me how to fix my print problem.









By: Uday - udayms

RE: Printing problems with Subreports

2005-10-22 12:50


I too am having the same problem. If you find a solution to this issue, can you pls post it here or mail me at uday.m.shankar_at_gmail_dot_com?


Best Regards,






By: Kolesnikov Alexey - kolesnikov

RE: Printing problems with Subreports

2005-11-14 13:39

Is this solved?

It seems your subreports have extra top and bottom spaces. Actually I'm using similar technique and don't have problems.





By: Arun_v - arun_v

RE: Printing problems with Subreports

2005-11-17 20:11

The problem is that you should not have any top and bottom margin because the printer margin as well as the report margin will get merged and you will get more space, and this also varies from printer to printer.......ie., some printers merge or add the margins with their margins set(factory settings) and some dont........so adjust the top and bottom margins


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