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Problems in fields (TIME) when exporting to xlsx files (Excel)


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Good afternoon!

I work with Jasper very soon. I have the following difficulty,

in my report I have some fields of type (TIME) with the pattern HH: mm: ss,

when it is executed to generate an xlsx file for excel, these fields are not automatically recognized by the tool needing to be adjusted for data manipulation.

Note: My problem is not only visual I can manipulate the field to be displayed as "00:00:00", but the same is not recognized by excel.

I need excel to automatically recognize this field. I

am using the following active property in my jasper file: <property name = "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type" value = "true" /> I noticed that in fields where type (TIME) is printed with the date "1970-01-01", and it continues to interfere with the manipulation of the data.

<textField pattern="HH:mm:ss" isBlankWhenNull="true">    <reportElement x="541" y="0" width="140" height="26"                   uuid="6792e48d-f1b5-437b-a045-233af9871c25"/>    <box>        <topPen    lineWidth="0.5" lineColor="#598080"/>        <bottomPen lineWidth="0.5" lineColor="#598080"/>    </box>    <textElement textAlignment="Center"                 verticalAlignment="Middle">        <font size="12"/>    </textElement>    <textFieldExpression>        <![CDATA[$F{DURACAO}]]>    </textFieldExpression></textField><textField pattern="HH:mm:ss" isBlankWhenNull="true">    <reportElement x="443" y="0" width="98" height="26"                   uuid="b8989f96-1e3b-4262-91d9-9e6995a7c546"/>    <box>        <topPen lineWidth="0.5" lineColor="#598080"/>        <bottomPen lineWidth="0.5" lineColor="#598080"/>    </box>    <textElement textAlignment="Center"                 verticalAlignment="Middle">        <font size="12"/>    </textElement>    <textFieldExpression>        <![CDATA[$F{TEMPO_ESPERA}]]>    </textFieldExpression></textField>[/code]

Would anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this problem?

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