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can't save or publish main report 6.4.2 Pro (and now: Error filling report)


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I have made some modifications to the main report file of my working report (with 6 subreports in separate jrxml files) and apparently Jaspersoft 6.4.2 has a bug for saving and publishing main report to the server... now when previewing the report within JasperStudio it is working fine but when launching the report from CA PPM I get an error filling report... I read on the Jaspersoft Communities that I need to access to the logs in order to find out more details... unfortunately I am developing with a SaaS environment I cannot access the server directly in order to access the server logs... How should I proceed to have a look to the logs?   Or is there any workaround to save and publish the main report?


many thanks in advance,


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Tough one, cause the log file would be the most accurate and easiest way to asssit you with your issues. 
Your filling error could be cause by a bunch of possible issues. 
Common issues
Your Sql query you are running on JStudio could be correct against the datasource you setup in JStudio, but JServer datasource could not be same one and thus maybe have a difference in the schema etc. 
There could be a Resource or inputControl is either not linked or incorrectly reference on JServer to the given report. 
You could have a inputcontrol where null is passed to subreport and not handled correctly. 
Then there are a lot of other possible reasons.
If your using Saas, some one should have access to the given box, either via the Saas GUI or accessing the actual box.
Otherwise you should setup your own local jasperserver with and deploy/test local to iron out any JServer report deployment issues. 
Log path file, if you maybe need to ask someone to get it for you, would be 

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