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Subreport path

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By: Manish Hatwalne - manish_hatwalne

Subreport path

2004-03-10 20:44

When I give this in my subreportExpression


<subreportExpression class="java.lang.String">




It gives me error at runtime that the subreport cannot be loaded from this location. But if I give complete path on my disk, it works properly.


Obviously, I cannot specify the complete path to my subreport. Is there a way to specify relative path of this subreport, or is it posible to get the path of the current report dynamically so that I can prepend it to ths name? Or any other woraround that will allow me to specify only relative path.


I cannot alter classpath as it gets set by ANT build for the entire app.



- Manish







By: David Lim - aberrant80

RE: Subreport path

2004-03-10 22:28

Well, how about actually loading the .jasper into a JasperReport object first? Then you can have:


<subreportExpression class="dori.jasper.engine.JasperReport">




And you can pass in the JasperReport as a report parameter. I think this is workable.





By: Manish Hatwalne - manish_hatwalne

RE: Subreport path

2004-03-10 22:36

Thanks David,


But how do I load the .jasper into a JasperReport object? In other owrods how do I set value for $P{PictureSubreport}?



- Manish





By: David Lim - aberrant80

RE: Subreport path

2004-03-11 00:21

If you could get PictureSubreport.jasper compiled and saved, you could load it using the JRLoader class.


JasperReport rep = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject("my.jasper");


then you can use 'rep' as the value for the parameter map, like

map.put("PictureSubreport", rep);


and just make sure you have this in your subreport

<parameter name="PictureSubreport" class="dori.jasper.engine.JasperReport"/>

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