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Overlapping scheduled reports

Murat Weidler

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Hi all,

Currently we run Jasper with these specs:
Version: 6.3.0
Running on: Tomcat6 (yes its true..)
Database: Postgres 9.0
OS: Windows 2008R2 on VMWare
Mem: 16GB
CPU: 6
Reports: 2500
Scheduled Reports: 300
Max number of parallel running scheduled reports: 85
Some scheduled reports run every minute

Now we have a problem when we upgrade from JasperReports Server 6.3.0 to 6.4.x.
Every four hour the report creation time is longer than these reports are scheduled, so they start to overlap themself.
Even on a complete new installation on a high-performance debian9 machine with
- JasperReportsServer version 6.4.x
- tomcat8
- openjdk-8u171
- postgresql9.6
- running 10times faster than current 6.3.0 instalation
- copied reports and schedules
all scheduled reports start to overlap every morning.
Meanwhile we already know all jasper-performance-options listed on jaspersoft community docs from memory..

Our question now:
- is there a lever not listed in jasper-docs that could solve that overlapping problem?
- do we possibly overload 6.4.x JasperReportsServer with our schedules?

If you guys need more information about our running systems that I did not mention, I will tell you asap.

Thank you so far

Murat Weidler

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