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Hello i have a requirement to space a text in certain way -centered in a particular measurement and characters should be certain width


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 i have a certain code for eg: 123456789012 1234567890 5

The code must be centered on the page (the center point of the code line must be exactly 3.4375” from the left and right page edges). How do i achieve this using ireport ?

This is the section I want to center and have the characters print one character per inch

    <reportElement positionType="FixRelativeToBottom" x="121" y="519" width="387" height="15" uuid="43e39343-8d37-4ef0-87b0-5feb87fb503c"/>
    <textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle">
     <font fontName="OCR A Extended" size="12" pdfFontName=""/>
     <paragraph lineSpacing="Single"/>


Please help

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