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Filter a field using character mask


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Hi..I'm trying to use a mask filter in a field, like this example:

                   Name                   Ticket

After apply mask filter in "Ticket" field, the expected result is:

                   Name                   Ticket

Ticket field with "######/####" format.

How can I apply this filter ?


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Hi PEichelberg,

I need to count the numbers of occurences in correct pattern format "XXXXXX/XXXX" = (6 characters before "/" and 4 characters after "/")

>>  IF $F{Ticket} contains a string with correct format THEN 1....Else 0.

In this example, 2 corrects rows:

                   Name                   Ticket


Thanks again

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Hi PEichelberg,

I need to count the numbers of occurences in correct pattern format "XXXXXX/XXXX" = (6 characters before "/" and 4 characters after "/")

>>  IF $F{Ticket} contains a string with correct format THEN 1....Else 0.

In this example, 2 corrects rows:

                   Name                   Ticket


Thanks again

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay ... so basically you want to only display those $F{Ticket} that match your format of ######/#### and hide every other one ...


So what you need to do is get your data as usual but then in the Dataset and Query Dialog go to tab Filter Expression.


Put $F{Ticket}.matches(REGEX) == true there. Or == false. I'm currently not sure which one would help actually :D


REGEX should be a String pattern like this: d{6}/d{4}


You can check the meaning of this at https://regex101.com/ as I did too. Basically that regex checks if you've got a string that has six digits, a slash and four further digits. If so, the regex says your string is valid. As I said, I don't know if you need to say == true or == false in FilterExpression, but you can figure that out easily.

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