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How to export pdf with font bold (advanced)


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I would like to export pdf's with fonts that can be bold or italic. That does not work out-of-the-box.

I have done some experimenting with font extensions, but that solution is too static.

We develop a huge web app with a Java middletier. That generated the reports using the Jasper java classes. Reports are designed in Jaspersoft Studio (by us and our app users) and are stored (jrxml and compiled version) in the database. Users of our app can add, remove and replace reports with our front-end. So they can design there own invoice layouts, which is great. But using font extentions, we can only provide a static number of fonts with our current version. It takes too much time to request a new font, implement it, test it, implement it in the production version and update our customer. Everytime we update our customer, we have to bring the app server (Wildfly/jboss) down so that whole company needs to pause.

Is there a way to work more dynamic with fonts on a production environment?

We can (and do) parse the jrxml vor various reasons, so we are able to create a list of fonts and styles in runtime.

Any thoughts are appreciated! If you need more info, please ask!

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Wow... This is a nice idea, if implemented successfully. 

I have been reading about the hot deployment techniques on tomcat and it should be applicable for jboss too. 

If your problem is bringing down the application server for deployments, then it can be resolved by using hot deployments.

try Jrebel or Bamboo. 


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