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JasperReports Server: Multiple Browser Tabs


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Hey Jaspersoft Community:

New here. New to Jaspersoft. 

We just recently upgraded our JasperReports Server to 6.4.0 (unfortunately, I'm not sure what version we were on prior). 

A user is reporting that they used to be able to have multiple browser tabs open to run multiple reports simultaneously. He can no longer do that.

Something additional I want to mention is that previously to the update made to Jasper I was able to work with up to five instances of Jasper at the same time, now I try to use at least two instances one for {REPORT 1} and other for {REPORT 2} and when I try to run a report in both instances both drops the queue and erase the parameter I was working with.

I'm not 100% sure that this is an issue related to the upgrade. Just trying to isolate it right now. 

Can anybody confirm (or deny) that the upgrade no longer allows users to have multiple tabs open for multiple reports, with different parameters? If so, is there a quick/easy fix? :)


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Using Chrome on a Windows box, with JRS 6.4.0, logged in as Joe User.  I was able to open multiple tabs of different reports & also multiple tabs of the same report. On the different instances of the same report, I could use different parameters.  Initial loading was slow (trying to load five reports at once), but afterwards performance was okay.

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We recently started having our clients upgrade from JRS 5.6 to JRS 7.1, and some of them are reporting the same thing.  I seem to be able to have multiple JRS tabs working just fine in Firefox 68.0.2 (most of our client use Firefox, although we don't control exactly what version they're on), nor on Chrome Version 76.0.3809.132.  I know your original question is from nearly two years ago.  Did you ever resolve the issue?

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