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Preventing Orphans


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I'm trying to prevent orphans in my report whereby a single row gets overflowed onto a new page. To do this I've set up a group and moved my text fields from the Detail band to the group's Header band, and set a value in the "Min Height To Start New Page" field, and checking the "Keep Together" option.

This seems to have the effect of bumping a few more rows down to the second page so that they are displayed together. However, if I manipulate just my data and remove a few records, I can get it to move the records that it had bumped back onto the first page, leaving just one single row on the second page.

I'm not sure if I'm using this feature incorrectly, or if there's some option that I've overlooked. Any insights into this would be much appreciated.



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I had a similar problem and found a solution:

  • Structure of my report (before applying the solution):
    There is a main report containing several detail bands, each of which has just a subreport in it. So in the result PDF there is a sequence of several subreports. These subreports consist each of a column header, a detail band and a group footer with sum-fields.
  • Problem:
    Due to different data with different count of rows the second, third, ... subreport starts at different points. ... and sometimes only the column header is shown before page break and the detail band (= the rows) are on next page.
  • What I want in such case:
    The subreport should start at the next page leaving a small gap on the first pages bottom
  • Solution:
    I introduced an outer subreport with a dummy query resulting in just one line, I created a group on that value (resulting in just one item for this group) and I gave the attribute "Min Height To Start New Page" of this group a value high enough to make the subreport move to the other page. The outer subreport calls the original subreport. I made this for all former subreports.

Hope that helps.


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