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Search Multilanguage version of jasper report

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By: Thomasvdb1078 - thomasvdb78

Search Multilanguage version of jasper report

2005-08-23 04:57



I search a multi language version of jasper report.

Someboby knows where can I find that?


If it's not existing, is it possible to have some information to know how can I translate easily jasper report?









By: C-Box - c-box

RE: Search Multilanguage version of jasper re

2005-08-23 05:03



What do you want to do? Translate some fields/lables at runtime? Translate the manual? Translate the whole library from Java to C#? :-)









By: rodica - rodica_balasa

RE: Search Multilanguage version of jasper re

2005-10-05 05:54


I have the same problem here, I am translating all the application, and I do not know how tot translate the report! I need to translate only the static text, the report labels. Is there a way to define some keys inside the report definition and to have the translation for each key in external *.properties files? or shoud I modify all reports not to use static text at all, but parameters, and move the translation problem outside the report?





By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

RE: Search Multilanguage version of jasper re

2005-10-05 06:14



You can use resource bundles in reports (not with static texts, but text fields). Check the i18n sample.








By: jane_lim - jane_lim

RE: Search Multilanguage version of jasper re

2005-10-05 18:20



hope this can help ...


use text field, dun use static text ... change the text field expression to something like



go to Edit -> report properties -> i18n -> add ur properties field. the properties file is in same directory with ur jrxml. DONE...


there are some samples: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/samples/index.html


for your application site,

you need to add value to parameters, for example

ResourceBundle mBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.resources.MessagesBundle", new Locale("cn", "CN"));

parameters.put("REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE", mBundle);

parameters.put("REPORT_LOCALE", new Locale("cn", "CN"));







By: rodica - rodica_balasa

RE: Search Multilanguage version of jasper re

2005-10-06 07:50


So, i add to the report the attribute resourceBundle:

<jasperReport name="I18nReport" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="30" bottomMargin="30" resourceBundle="i18n">


I send to the report as parameter a Locale and a ResourceBundle

parameters.put("REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE", mBundle);

parameters.put("REPORT_LOCALE", new Locale("en", "EN"));


Inside the report i use only textfields, I have here an example: <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">





How do i specify for instance to display the key "title"?

<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">







If I have a class for a report, lets say report Invoices is built in my application by Invoices.java, can I have the labes in files: Invoices_en.properties, Invoices_fr.properties ?

ResourceBundle mBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.resources.Invoice", new Locale("en", "EN"));







By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Search Multilanguage version of jasper re

2005-10-06 08:04




What you need to do is explained here:



If you use the "resourceBundle" attribute inside your

report template, you don't need to supply the resource


parameter at fill time.

And make sure how you supply the values for the

built-in parameters. Don't use the harcoded strings,

but rather the constants defined in the JRParameter



Inside expressions, the values are retrived based on

the key using the $R{key} syntax.


I hope this helps.


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