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Set the scaleImage property dynamically according to the size of the image

Go to solution Solved by justsayr,

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 scaleImage="RetainShape"  works correctly for a larger image but for a smaller image, it enlarges(stretches, hampering the image quality) it as per either by width or height of the report element .



<image scaleImage="RetainShape" hAlign="Center" vAlign="Middle">

<reportElement x="10" y="10" width="534" height="300" uuid="d813ec39-6f47-4361-9d82-c312924c2ba0"/>




Can we set the scaleImage property Dynamically? if (image is large)  scaleImage="RetainShape"  else scaleImage="Clip"

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<style name="scaleImageStyle" hImageAlign="Center" vImageAlign="Middle">    <conditionalStyle>        <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$P{originalImage}.getHeight(null) <=300]]></conditionExpression>        <style scaleImage="Clip"/>    </conditionalStyle>    <conditionalStyle>        <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$P{originalImage}.getHeight(null) >300]]></conditionExpression>        <style scaleImage="RetainShape"/>    </conditionalStyle></style>[/code]
<image hAlign="Center" vAlign="Middle">            <reportElement style="scaleImageStyle" isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="0" y="0" width="535" height="300" uuid="d813ec39-6f47-4361-9d82-c312924c2ba0"/>            <imageExpression><![CDATA[$P{originalImage}]]></imageExpression>        </image>[/code]

Well, I got some help on Stackoverflow and achieved it  by creating  a conditional style and applying it to the image taghttp://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/lightbulb.gif

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