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Bullet lists in Styled text via HTML

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By: kootjekip - kootjekip

Bullet lists in Styled text via HTML

2005-09-27 00:53

Hello, I Heard it was possible to use HTML as styled text base, but now I'm wandering if it's possible to use the list tag in styled text...





By: C-Box - c-box

RE: Bullet lists in Styled text via HTML

2005-09-27 01:43

As I found in the samples of JR 1.0.2 it's possible within a styled-Text element :


















<box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/>

<textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Top" rotation="None" isStyledText="true" lineSpacing="Single">

<font fontName="Arial" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="16" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" pdfEncoding ="CP1252" isStrikeThrough="false" />


<text><![CDATA[Here is the list with the supported HTML tags :


<font size="12">&lt;font size=&quot;12&quot;&gt;</font>

<font color="red">&lt;font color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;</font>

<font face="Comic Sans MS">&lt;font face=&quot;Comic Sans MS&quot;&gt;</font>




an empty line follows(&lt;br/&gt;):


A bulleted list:

<li>item 1</li>







So it's possible to get a normal list not with pure styled text syntax but with html-elements.... just try! :-)








By: kootjekip - kootjekip

RE: Bullet lists in Styled text via HTML

2005-09-28 00:07

C-Box you're fantastic

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It really seems kind of strange that Jasper Reports will support <li> but not <ul>. Why is this?


artf1751 has been posted as a bug from back in October 2006 but has yet to have been resolved as far as I can tell.


If one were to describe the primary function of Jasper Reports, what is it exactly?


It seems there is a LOT of flexibility, but just enough for a taste of what it can do if it had the features it really needed to make a good report great.


I don't mean to make that sound like an insult, I know a lot of hard work has gone into this. But once one tries to stretch the limit of Jasper Reports beyond the simple format and print to text one sees that there are some strange things lacking that seems strange it is lacking.


I would like to continue to use Jasper Reports, it has been a staple for years. However, new design thinking and ideas have come up lately in the internet world as a whole that require a more robust layout algorithm that allows for things like Styled Text, RTF, and possibly even rendered HTML support.

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