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Multiple data sources in the same report


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Hi Jasper Community!

I am trying to create a repport with database A which includes a subreport with database B, I readed a lot af topics in the Internet regarding multi data sources in jasper report but I did not found the solution.

My Idea is to create a report A named MySubReport.jrxml which it points to database B (ORACLE), I created also two parameters, the first one id (java.lang.Integer) used to join with the table on the master report

and the second one named MyConnection (java.sql.Connection) used to build Connection by a java code later. Then, I created an other report named MyMasterReport.jrxml which it points to Database A (AS400)

Finally, I coded a java Class that create as400 connection and passed it to the parameter MyConnection in order to generate a pdf file, the problem that when I compile MyMasterReport.jrxml I did not get the file MyMasterReport.jasper so I got a java Exception.

Please help me to use multi data sources in report and sub report

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