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I got an error compiling a jasper report

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By: Jose Luiz - jlpdz

I got an error compiling a jasper report

2005-09-14 14:23

I need your help.


I created a report using ireport. When I test it under ireport it works fine, but, when I compile it I get a compilation error:


I am using Windows 98SE, and J2SDK-1.5.0, and no IDE. I compile my jobs using manual comands like javac ....


The error jreturned by java is:

java:45:cannot find symbol

symbol: method fillReport(....)

location:class net.sf.jasperreports.engineJasperFillManager

JasperPrint press = JasperFillManager.fillReport(...);


Note I copied all .jar files from ireport/lib to java lib/ext


Thanks since now!





By: jorge - sirion_oef

RE: I got an error compiling a jasper report

2005-09-14 17:29

what is the command that you use?


try using the compile button of ireport, is the easiest from to compile reports.


if you need manually compile your reports, could post more datails on what you want to do?


if you are only watching the examples and compiling your reports in the form that commes whit the samples, don?t worry, ireport does all that job for you, open the report examples with ireport and work with it





By: Jose Luiz - jlpdz

RE: I got an error compiling a jasper report

2005-09-15 12:42

Sorry. I made a mistake.


I am using ireport to generate a report template, and this template I can compile under ireport and see a preview.


I am getting an error when I go to compile a java class, where I will use the templates to generate my reports.





By: jorge - sirion_oef

RE: I got an error compiling a jasper report

2005-09-19 10:35

if you want to compile a .java that includes a function for manage a .jasper, you must include in the classpath of java all the libs of jasperreports.


The easiest way is copping the jasperreports libs in the ext dir of your jdk directory

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