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Can you create a Jasper report to PDF and insert a PDF image


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Hi there,

I'm trying to create a report which outputs text onto headed paper (with images) for a customer to use as a delivery note, however they need a visual of the item included in the report.

They have a location on a company server which already has a low res PDF available so we'd like to use those rather than have the operator save each file twice (as a low res PDF for internal use and a PNG for the delivery note) so can we;

insert the low res PDF as it is into the jasper report (with the other text and images)

convert the PDF in jasper to a suitable image format

find a program which can automate the convertion of the PDF when it's saved to that location (they have a droplet which saves a low res PDF of the supplied high res automatically when it's moved to that location, but it doesn't like image formats).


Thanks in advance,

Jasper novice :)

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