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Unable to Save Datasource


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Have been struggling with this issue for the past couple of days. I seem to be unable to save my datasource even though the Test connection is successful.
I'm able to add users, organization and roles, but just can't seem to save a data source. Even saving the existing ones (audit) gives the same error
Below is the error i'm getting.


Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you

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Are you able to connect to your JasperServer instance from within JasperReports Studio?  Perhaps you could try creating your datasource there instead using the Repository Browser.  If you're still unable to save the datasource then Studio might give more of an error message to work with.

Also, depending on how you did your install for JasperServer there might be a security permission issue keeping the application from modifying the database.  Perhaps double check your roles in the database itself.

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Hi manshack_one, yup I'm able to connect to the server instance within studio and able to add datasource.
Am using the root user for db access which is kinda strange, also, I'm able to add users and roles which are also insert statements
which kind of had me puzzled as to this behaviour.

Hi KKriplani,
The logs were empty, even with debug set on all loggers, nothing was sent to the logs when the save button was clicked.
I was using superuser as I have not set up any other users yet.

However I did notice that the browser was doing a POST / PUT ajax call to the rest interface which failed and resulted in a connection reset, 
but as usual, the logs are dead silent


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