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Nested subreports Jaspersoft Studio


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I'm using jaspersoft Studio to generate a PDF from Java using Spring MVC Framework. I have a master report, then a subreport (SubReportOne) in the master report and a subreport (SubReportTwo) in the subreport (SubReportOne). I have succesfully displayed data in both of the subreports but here's the problem. In (SubReportOne) i'm displaying a list of objects which are filtered by the user's username, and in SubReportTwo I'm displaying a list of objects which are filtered by the objects in SubReportOne. But in Java both datasources are lists and I have to iterate through them. Instead of displaying two times SubReportOne with the values from SubReportTwo, it shows all of the values from SubReportTwo in the first SubReportOne and the second one is empty (see the picture).



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