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When are built-in report params initialized?

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By: UltraSmooth - ultrasmooth

When are built-in report params initialized?

2005-08-17 10:28

I'm trying to use a scriptlet to retrieve some data for use in the main report query by using scriplets but it seems that the REPORT_SCRIPLET parameter is null when I try to use it in my own custom parameter.


I have a parameter call GET_TABLE_NAME and it's default value is set to ((MyScriptlet)$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET})).getQueryValue()


I use GET_TABLE_NAME in the main report query to substitute in a table name retrieved from the scriplet. When I run the report I get an sql exception where it fills in null for the value. If i do a ($P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}==null ? "Is Null" : "Is Not Null") in the defualt parameter value field it tells me that the SCRIPTLET_PARAMETER Is Null.


Is there anyway to have my custom parameters initialize after the built in report parameters?

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