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How to use webservice data for input control in jasper server?


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I want to use the response of a web-service call to be used as Input Controls. How can I achieve that ? I have searched in the forum and could not find any helpful documentation?

In the input controls, I am seeing only option to hardcode the values or use SQL queries. But I need to  integrate it with my webservices.

can anyone point me where to look ?

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It's late but I hope you must have been able to find out that there is no provision to select

Webservice as a datasource for the input controls while it is there in case of reports. Correct me if I am wrong.

Also, I am curious to know how you implemented the same



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Yeah. I am still stuck due to that. I am even trying to modify the source code and providing a rest handler for input controls. Have downloaded the code, but have no idea where to start :(  Isn't Rest service integration such a common thing now ? Not even finding a clue even where to start with in the source code to add webservice support for input controls. Do you have any  idea ?

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@gnatali, I am using this plugin for web service. However, I am not able to find out how to use this for input controls ? Can you please point to some documentation or usage example to use this data source plugin in the jasper server input control ? Even after adding this plugin, in the input controls page, I am not getting option to use this data source as  input control.


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