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Unwanted pagebreaks


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If have a problem with subreports, everything after the subreport is being moved to a new page. I don't know why, there are plenty of room left on the paper..

Using iReport 1.2.5 and Jasperreports 1.2.3.

Since i'm a newbee it's probably something i'm doing wrong.


Sorry for the Swedish texts! One example is the "pagebreak" after the list of workforce "Närvarande".

But also the pictures below get a "pagebreak" after each pair.


I have included my jrxml-files and a PDF-file to show the problem. The program is going to be a construction-site diary that we developing for a local company.


Many Thanks! :P

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The OccupationalGroupFooter is a huge band. I has a height of 558 pixels.

If the space remaining on the current page is less than 558 pixels tall, the engine will try to render the band on a new page. This is why you see that white space, because you have very large bands that would hardly fit in the remaining space on the page.


You should follow this FAQ here:


to split bands into smaller pieces.


I hope this helps.


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