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By: Subu - subu1

Multiple SQL

2002-06-13 08:44

Hi ,


Is it possible to have more than one Select statement in the XML design file.

If not , is it possible to define cursors.






By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Multiple SQL

2002-06-13 08:53




What do you mean by multiple Select statements?


Something like this?




Yes, this is possible.

JasperReports uses a PreparedStatement behind

the scenes, so everything that is possible with a

JDBC PreparedStatement object, is also possible

in JasperReports.


Cursors are database server objects and have

nothing to do with the Java layer.


I think what you need is to create a stored

procedure in your database and call it in the report

query, if you have to make some sort of data

preparations for the report.


Thank you,





By: Subu - subu1

RE: Multiple SQL

2002-06-13 09:24

What i mean was can have 2 separate Select statement like

select custno , address_id from customer and the other like

select address_1 from address


which mean 2 separate sql statement





By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE2: Multiple SQL

2002-06-13 23:46




No, you can have only one SELECT per report.


However, if you want to output 2 different result

sets in your document, you can use subreports.


There is a sample provided.


Good luck!


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