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supressing data for reporting in jaspersoft


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two pie charts that i'm inserting into a report as two sub-reports because their data query is completely different from the main query in the report.

the thing is between the two pie charts, they're very similar.  one shows a count of projects by operational phase, one shows a count of projects by a health status indicator.

the queries render 3 columns

the first has phase (start, in progress, finished), then a count (number of projects in that phase category), and a numeric sorting key

the second has health (red, yellow, green), then a count (number of projects in that health category), and a numeric sorting key.

because they're two independent data sets i have two suberports.

my question is, could i build a query that returns all this data in one dataaset, adding a column indicating "chart type" (1 for phase, 2 for health) then when i build the chart, let jaspersoft filter out which group of data i want to display in the chart.  so for phase chart, can i indicate in addition to the fields i want displayed, to filter by $F{chart_type} == 1, and similarly , in the health chart, filter by $F{chart_type} == 2, but do this in the chart properties?

or am i stuck with havnig to do two subreports?


by extension, can i embed a data query into a chart so that i can include a chart in a report that has it's own embedded query and use those fields and not the fieds in the main report query?


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