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Can you link a report in Jasperstudio to a stylesheet on Jasperserver?

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Background: I develop reports and stylesheets in Jasperstudio and then push them to Jasperserver when they're ready to be used.

I'd like all of my reports to have the same styles and formatting so to do this I'm using a jrtx stylesheet as a resource that I've uploaded to JasperServer. Once I connect the stylesheet to each report on Jasperserver it all works well and good.

The problem is when I want to create a new report I have to save a local copy of the stylesheet while I'm developing the new report on Jasperstudio and then when the report is done I have to publish it with the local stylesheet and then go to the server and change the resource path of the stylesheet. It can still work, but I'd rather not use a local copy of my stylesheet as it opens up the possibility of overwriting the server stylesheet. So this leads to my question, can you link a report in Jasperstudio to a stylesheet on Jasperserver?

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I think I figured out the answer. I'll post it here in case anyone has the same question. 

Basically you just need to write "<template><![CDATA["repo:Stylesheet_Name.jrtx"]]></template>" just below the properties in your report jrxml file. This also keeps you from having to add the stylesheet to your report on the server as a resource (which takes forever!). 

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