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Add a rectangle to the JasperPrint

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By: joã¯esteves - jrfe

Add a rectangle to the JasperPrint

2005-07-29 06:22

Hi there!


My goal is to design a rectangle on a JasperPrint.So far i managed to do things like this example:


JRPrintPage page1 = (JRPrintPage)jasperPrint.getPages().get(0);

JRPrintElement elem =




The result is that the first element of the first page of the report, will be relocated at X = 30 . This works.


However i need to add new rectangles do the report, and i haven't found a way to do so. If anyone out there could help me i would certainly appreciate it.





By: alanHardwick - alan314

RE: Add a rectangle to the JasperPrint

2005-07-29 07:10

Yep!! Have done something similar:-


i.e. Define a method like the below where you pass your JRPrintPage object and the rectangle dimensions:-


private static JRPrintPage jrRectangle(JRPrintPage page, int left, int top, int height, int width) {

JRPrintRectangle rect = new JRBasePrintRectangle();







return page;



and whenever you want a new rectangle, you can call

it by:




jrRectangle(page1, PAGE_MARGIN_LEFT, PAGE_MARGIN_TOP + 665, 61, 535);

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