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More than one value in Input Control Value Column?


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Hello All,


I have a question about input controls in JRS (specifically 6.1, but I don't my question is particularly version-specific).


I'd like to present the user with a drop-list, the result of a query. So far, so good.


Typically, the selection made by the user is passed out of the input control via something called the "value column."


As an example, if I want to display a list of names to the user, I could generate a query that generated the following query results:


LastName  FirstName  ID  XX

========  =========  ==  ==

Adams, John, 123, ABC

Lincoln, Abe, 345, CDE

Washington, Geo, 567, EFG


An input control can be created such that the "value column" is set to either ID or XX, while the visible columns can be set to Lastname and Firstname.


So... here's my question:


Is there a way to set the "value column" such that BOTH the ID and XX columns are set as values in the "value column"?


To put it another way, when the user selects from the drop-list, there are TWO pieces of information that I want to gather, not just one (in this case both ID and the associated XX column values).


Thanks much.



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