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Jasper expecting diff mapping at page break

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By: Mark Poland - mpoland

Jasper expecting diff mapping at page break

2005-06-30 13:42

I have a report with this structure:


Main Report ([zero or more])



DocType (sub-report [zero or more])

Author (sub-report [zero or more])

Addressee (sub-report [zero or more])

Related Document (sub-report [zero or more])


The Related Docuent sub-report contains the same structure as the main report except no related documents:



DocType (sub-report same as above)

Author (sub-report same as above)

Addressee (sub-report same as above)


I use a custom JRDataSource object to fill the report. Basically its an array of objects that get iterated over based on calls to the next() method. The next method stores values in a map that jasper accesses using the getFieldValue method. This works well most of the time. Occasionally Jasper seems to expect another sub-report data when there is no more data. The best way to explain it is to show you the output using // for comments:



next(): // maps the document data

// output of main report document data getting mapped

DOCID: 143168

TITLE: blah blah

hasNext = true // next returns true


// jasper gets the mapped data correctly

field value DOCID = 143168

field value TITLE_SUBJECT = blah blah


next(): // get the next sub-report or main document

new subrep // DocType sub-report found

map: // map doctype data

size: 1 // only one doctype

// mapping output


hasNext = true // next returns true


// jasper gets the mapped data correctly



next(): // get the next doctype

hasNext = false // next returns false; no more DocTypes


next(): // get the next sub-report or main document

new subrep // Author sub-report found


size: 1

// mapping output



hasNext = true


// jasper gets the mapped data correctly

field value AUTHOR = ABC

field value ORG = ORG


next(): // get the next author

hasNext = false // next returns false; no more authors


next(): // get next sub-report or main document

new subrep // Addressee sub-report found


size: 1

// mapping output



hasNext = true


// jasper gets the mapped data correctly

field value ORG = ORG

field value AUTHOR = BCD


next(): // get next addressee

hasNext = false // no more addressees


next(): // next sub-report or main document

new related_rep // related document found


next(): // related document's next function

// mapping output

new document map:

DOCID: 143169

TITLE_SUBJECT: blah blah

hasNext = true


// jasper is expecting another addressee????


field value ORG = null


field value AUTHOR = null


This seems to happen only at a page break. Has anyone encountered this problem?

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