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Need to find Top10 results pie chart in Ireports using Domain dataset.

Go to solution Solved by rajesh.sirsikar,

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Hi rajesh,

Thanks for your reply.

i need to find the top10 values using the count.

For example  i have a field called "CallType" and i have created a variable called "CallCount"  which is count of "CallType" field. So i need to use CallType field in Category section of Piechart and CallCount  variable as measure. In the above case i need  to show in a piechart which consist of only top 10 biggest "CallCount"   CallTypes.

Thank you once again.

Waiting for your valuable comment.


Hi rajesh,


Thanks for your reply.


i need to find the top10 values using the count.


For example i have a field called "CallType" and i have created a variable called "CallCount" which is count of "CallType" field. So i need to use CallType field in Category section of Piechart and CallCount variable as measure. In the above case i need to show in a piechart which consist of only top 10 biggest "CallCount" CallTypes.


Thank you once again.


Waiting for your valuable comment.


Hi Shekar,


I did not understand the exact requirement. Do you want Data as below.


CallType CallCount

TypeA 5

TypeA 5

TypeA 5

TypeA 5

TypeA 5

TypeB 3

TypeB 3

TypeB 3

TypeC 11

TypeC 11

TypeC 11

TypeC 11

TypeC 11

TypeC 11

TypeC 11

TypeC 11

TypeC 11

TypeC 11

TypeC 11

TypeD 2

TypeD 2





Hi Rajesh,


I need the results as like follows:


CallType CallCount

TypeA 250 (Number of records in the domain dataset for the CallTypeA)

TypeB 540 (Number of records in the domain dataset for the CallTypeB)

TypeC 100034 (Number of records in the domain dataset for the CallTypeC)


Like above i need to show the result in pie chart....


Hi Rajesh,


No there is no fixed number of callTypes. i just given the sample number of records for some calltypes. they just variable number...and also i need to show the output in pie chart..

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