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space between "pages" in html report

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By: dhm - dmoore75

space between "pages" in html report

2004-02-11 13:54

I have tried to follow the advice of "Making HTML, XLS or CSV friendly reports" in the "tips & tricks" section (supressed page header and page footer, set report top and bottom margins to 0). However, I am still getting extraneous space between "pages" in my html report. Is there anything else I can do to eliminate the extraneous space?









By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: space between "pages" in html report

2004-02-14 03:19




The extra white space migh come from the artificial

page breaks introduced by some group that you have

or by the fact that there is always some space

left at the bottom of the page if the current page

does not fit.

When exporting to HTML or XLS, the "page" concept

is still present and you can suppress its effects by

forcing the removal of all unused vertical space


exporter parameter.


Check the "nopagebreak" sample for details.


I hope this helps.


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