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java.lang.NullPointerException in Crosstabs


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Is it just me and the report I'm trying to create or does anyone else have a problem with java.lang.NullPointerException errors in crosstabs?  I've been trying to create what is proving to be a very complex report (simple in SQL Server Reporting Services but not so much in JasperSoft Studio) and for every step forward I end up taking one back when I try to add another feature.  Unfortunately, I've also had serious problems with the undo function, so that when I do foul up something I usually can't get back to the most recent good copy.  I've been overcoming this by not saving my work until I have what I know is an error free version, but this last time it didn't work and I ended up having to re-create everything I had done.  After doing so the java.lang.NullPointerException cropped up again and I've no idea what the source is.  I can't even remember how I resolved it previously (likely dumb luck).  Maybe I'm just getting too old for this ****.

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Interesting - I started deleting items from the crosstab hoping to narrow down the problem until arriving at the minimum to have the crosstab work and got the null pointer exception every time I ran it.  I deleted the crosstab control and didn't get an error but of course didn't get a report either (I don't need the detail band so deleted immediately after creating the report).  I then closed the report without saving, having saved it immediately before deleting items from the crosstab.  I reopened the report and ran it and, lo and behold, it worked.  Why would that be?  I'm used to closing and reopening Microsoft products to get them to work properly but I didn't even close JasperSoft Studio.  I only closed and reopened the report.

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Hi, i've fixed some NPEs about the crosstab editor, now you can add column or row and undo without problem. If you get the errors during the run of the report it can be also JasperReports, or we allow to delete to much stuff. However if you send us the report that give the exception at runtime we will give a look to the exception.

For the next time please use the answer question only for the answer request on how to use the product, for the bugs use the tracker (like you have done the previous times), because for us it easier to read them and keep track of them also. Thanks! 

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