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I've been working with Jasper Reports 5.0.0 for a few months now, and our company just moved to the new 5.5.0 server version. My problems began with the Table component and Ignore Pagination - for some reason the Ignore Pagination option is no longer honored on any export format for our current reports built with Ireport 5.0, nor on the newer Ireport 5.5 or Jasper Studio 5.5. We use Jasper Server 5.5.0 and call the reports via java servlet & create xlsx exports using POI 3.8.

i've searched the wiki's and answers for any way to restore non-pagination to xlsx format exports to no avail. some of the properties i've included are:

net.sf.jasperreports.page.break.no.pagination=ignore (default setting)



and key:

<jr:columnHeader style="table 2_CH" height="30">
<reportElement key="col_header" x="0" y="0" width="90" height="30" uuid="89845e64-9344-4816-8820-b789bc02ffda"/>

as found in:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18527720/how-to-remove-the-table-header-for-table-component-in-all-the-pages-except-first

but unlike in that answer, the table header is removed for all instances including the first, so all we get out is the data, but pagination is removed. it seems the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.key.col_header does not work, but the exclude.key does. our tables reside only within the detail band, with Column Header/footer bands removed.

I have also added a parameter to the java report calls to ensure IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION is set to "true" for every report execution.

is there any way to get Ignore Pagination honored again? included is a sample report from Ireport Designer 5.5.0 that i've been testing with.


Thank you in advance for any help.

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