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Ireport extra vertical white space


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When I need to decrease vertical white space between 2 text fields, I put one on the top of the second one partually and it works perfectly ok, when 2 fields are in the same band.

How do I remove extra white space in Detail band? I tried to play with line spacing and it does not do it. It seems I can not go less than one pixel .

I'd like to have what is called 'Negative leading'.

Where to look for examples of custom text measurer?

How to make the text field size the same as the font size?


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Thank you for help. This is a detail band with height 15, 2 text items with height 15.

Font is SansSerif. I'd like to have a fontsize the same as the text item height, in this case 15 (event 14 will do).

Only when I set the font size to 11, I can see my data, when it is larger than 11, there is nothing shown. 

I did not set any padding on my text items and still there is too much of white space between the lines.  

I'd like to put a negative line spacing in the detail band to remove this white space.

I solved this problem today by finding a few other fonts where this 2 numbers can be the same: text box height and the font size.

But I still would like to be more flexible with what and where I put on my report, to have it 'pixel perfect'.

In the second file I put 2 sets of text items in summary band overlapped and there is much less of vertical white space in the second example.

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