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Jasper Report background image not displaying on first page


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I have a report that uses a Background image at the bottom of the page. When I run the report in iReport (version 5.0.4) it generates the PDF and it looks perfect, but after deploying to my web app (using the same database), the image does not print on the first page.


I have played with the position of the image in the background, and the "split type" parameter in the Background band properties, but cannot figure out what is wrong.


My understanding is that the background image should print no matter what the detail or other bands print!


I looked for any parameters on the main report that might work like Word does, where you can say something like "skip first page", but have not found anything like this.


This is a master report with multiple subreports, and a "no data" section as well.


The main report is 612w x 792h, and the margins are all zero (to accomodate giving the subreports maximum space).


To make room for the background image, the background band height is 750, with split type "stretch" (I tried all of the different split types, and none changed the behavior). The background band is "FixRelativeToBottom"and has x=19, y=700, width=570, height=50.


To sum up:


Running the report in iReport is perfect... the image shows up on all pages.

Running in production (we have customer code that generates the reports), I only get the image on the 2nd page, not the 1st).

I Googled for this to look for either some other parameter that might be preventing it from printing on the 1st page only with no luck... ditto for looking for any sign that others had this issue, perhaps as a bug.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




p.s. I went back and tried to use the Page Footer band instead, but ran into the same problem many people have already noted, that the last page footer will not hug the bottom of the page, to which many other replied that one should use the Background band to enforce this.

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