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Drill up,down on columns in ireport designer with in the report (not uslng OLAP ,its normal database report)


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I have a requirement to create drill up ,down with in the report on columns .


Column a,column b,column c 

I have a pie chart on column a with a measure .When a user clicks on slices of a pie chart it should roll down to column b and show aggregation as per that .Similary when drill down to column c .

This type of functionality is there with business objects where by creating hierarchies it can be achieved.

In jasper ireport designer ,I am unaware as which functionality to be looked or if it can be achievd using hyperlink.

Please provide me the steps.

Thanks in advance.

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Yes you can acheive this using hyperlink.

Use parameter in report and pass the parameter through hyperlink to another report.

Example: Drill down: Year-->Month-->Week

Three reports year report, month report, week report

when i clicked on perticular year then it takes me on month report with year on which clicked is passed to the month report query as parameter and i able to see the detailed data of cliked year same for Month --> week.

You can manage it in single report also by using different datasource or by using subreports.

You can also pass parameters through charts to report or charts to chart.

Direct drilling not possible with iReport based report. Some type of drilling possible in adhoc domain or topic based report. or olap based report.

Hope it helps.



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Thanks for your reply.Could you please explain in detail what actually you meant. As I wanted to achieve this in chart ,

if I have three subreports say year vs sales revenue first chart placed in main report ,

when user clicks on year legend it should drill down to month and show sales against it on the same chart similarly for week wise aggregation.


If we go with three reports, then we end up maintainin these three,secondly if we create parameter in main report for year then that prompt is a global parametr for entire report which I dont want ,

I directly want the drill on year legend.


Hope this is what you are saying is not possible.Confirm pls.


If not using subreport also ,how to hide other two charts in a main report,the user should not be prompted for year parameter ,instead when he runs the report by clicking on chart year it should get drilled.

Please provide steps if possible.


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Drill down thing is quite complex to develope and maintain as well.

For drill down feature you need to make many changes in your report.

You need to handle multiple parameter in report in such way so that end user not able to see parameter year, month week etc

These parameter not available for selection to end user, these parameters are hidden and read-only for drill down purpose.

Suppose you able to drill down from year-->month-->week and at lowest level of drill down and again you want to driill up so what you do for that becouse year, month input controls should not available to end user according to your requirement?




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My requirement is I have a chart revenue vs. country suppose in a report ,when user clicks country legend it should drill down to state and show revenue within the report like in business objects which is straight forward.

I feel here its not straight forward as per your comments .

Even other reporting tools provide this feature which is direct just by creating hierarchy on these columns where country is parent and child s are state and city .So within the report without prompting the user the chart should b drilled down and up .Besides should have a provision to do drill across,drill by which I am not able to figure out in the tool


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Every tool have its different way of working for same analysis. In BO driill &  hyperlink are two different things for different purpose, in same way in jasper also drilling possible with adhoc report in version 5.0 later. In the same way you defined hierarchy in BO here you need to add dimensions in row in hirararchy sequence then one input control added in the report automatically by which you can drilldown & up. Same functionality but in different way. 

If you want to develeope report which behaves drilling likewise in BO then you need to develope it in iReport becouse adhoc report have limited feature.

iReport is very flexible tool to  cater any requirement  but not very developer friendly, You need to take more efforts in jasper than BO to cater similar requirement.

In my requirement i have report which drilled like YY--MM--WW--DD--HH, and I manage it in two report. One is my main report another is my detail report both the reports are same in structure and queris the only difference is second report input control having all the promts optional so when i drilled down from main report it not asked for input control to apply and all input control gets the value from main report. To drill up i used a text field like when i drilled down from yy--mm then in monthly report i can see year text with hyperlink to drill up with same input controls to main report.

For your requirement you need to do workarounds like that.

Hopes that helps.




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