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Resctangle size

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By: Axel Hallez - ahallez

Resctangle size

2004-01-15 12:20

Hello all,


Up to now I was using version 0.4.4. But since I created a report that needs the new isSplitAllowed attribute in the band tag I need to upgrade.

However this causes another problem.

I seems that since version 0.5 the rectangles are drawn smaller than before (I think 1 pt smaller in each direction). This is very inconvenient, as this would mean that I have to change all of my reports before upgrading to the new version.


Is there a workaround?


Thanks in advance,

Axel Hallez





By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Resctangle size

2004-01-15 12:36




This change was introduced in 0.4.5 or the 0.4.6 version.

It was a tough decision but unavoidable since the

previous behavior was inconsistent.


Sorry for any inconvenience.







By: Vinod Kumar Singh - vinodsingh

RE: Resctangle size

2004-01-15 21:28

For table like effect I use Lines instead of rectangles. Draw a line at the bottom of the detail section and set it s position type to FixRelativeToBottom, now draw lines between fields in details section and set its stretch type to RelativeToBandHeight. While there will be a gap between vertical and horizontal lines but it is visible only on zooming at 100% zoom it is not visible.


This might be a painful solution to you, but it works.






By: Axel Hallez - ahallez

RE: Resctangle size

2004-01-15 13:19

Thanks Teodor,


I have tried to change on report to see if I can get the same look, but I haven't been succesfull yet.


I my reports I'm trying to create a table like effect by drawing rectangle one besides of the other. The height of the rectangle is the same as the band height. I use a thin pen for the rectangles.


The first thing I tried is to increase the height and the width of each rectangle with one. As result the rectangles doen't print since they are heigher than the band. However if I increase the height of the band I have the same problem as before.


Then I tried to change the pen size to 1Point, but the result was not satisfying (there is still a gap between the borders of the rectangles).


Do you have a suggestion about how to change the rectangles in order to have the same result as before?


Thank you very much,


Axel Hallez






By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Resctangle size

2004-01-16 00:07




It would be helpful if you could send me the XML

to see your layout.


But I think the solution is to place the rectangles

at Y=-1. This is not a problem for the engine.




I hope this helps.







By: Axel Hallez - ahallez

RE: Resctangle size

2004-01-16 03:02

Hi Teodor,


This seems to be the right solution.

Thank you very much,


Axel Hallez

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