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No topics were available in the topics folder.


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If a non-administrative user goes to the Home page of Jaspersoft BI Server AWS, and clicks on "Create Ad Hoc View", there are no topics showing in the Data Chooser under Topics.

I've limited the permissions to NO ACCESS for all of the "sample" folders in the repository, but we do have our own folder where everything goes (under Organizations/Organization/OurCompany)

How do I tell the home page to look THERE for topics, instead of wherever it's looking?

Thanks for any pointers!


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Hi John,

You can customize this, but it does require you to edit an xml file and restart the server. So be prepared with SSH or WinSCP to access the files on your AWS box and make sure that users expect a restart.

The file you want to backup and then edit is:


Search for "defaultTopicDir" and you will find the following lines:

        <property name="defaultTopicDir" value="/adhoc/topics/"/>
        <!--<property name="defaultTopic" value="sample1"/>-->
        <property name="defaultTopic" value="AdhocDemo"/>
Hopefully it's clear that you change the default Topic directory by entering the folder name - in your case you would change "/adhoc/topics/" to your preferred folder. I added the "defaultTopic" line as well - the default is a sample that ships with Jaspersoft.
One thing that I want to bring to your attention is that you usually want to have a folder dedicated to Topics. So in your case you have a folder called /OurCompany. In that, you probably want a folder named /OurCompany/topics. This is because all JasperReports units found in the "defaultTopicDir" folder appear in the Ad Hoc Topics chooser. You probably don't want all JasperReports units to show up. (Then again - you might - I just want you to do it purposefully if that's the case.)
Save the changes (plain text file format, of course). Restart JasperReports Server / Tomcat. You should then be all set.
Mary Flynn
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Since you pose the question as to what's easiest, I'd say that the easiest is to restart AWS. Otherwise you can use something like PuTTY to connect to the server (you will need your private key and when prompted, log in as ec2-user). Then run "service tomcat7 stop". Make sure everything shuts down ok. Then run "service tomcat7 start". Again, it's easier to just restart the AWS instance. Be sure you don't terminate it!



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