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problem with AWS RDS (SQL Server)


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I have an AWS RDS instance running SQL Server 2008. I am evaluatin the Jaspersoft PRO on AWS.

I was able to connect to the Database, but cannot create a Domain. The wizard gets to Schema selection, but no matter which schema I choose, it does not retrieve the assigned tables.

Is there a know issue with Jaspersoft and SQL Server RDS?

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Which version # of JasperReports Server are you using?  Did you install it yourself, or did you use our AWS Marketplace product?

When you create the data source, you should be able to test it.  Does that work?

Can you confirm you are using a DB level username and password which has appropriate permissions on the tables you expect to see?

- Veronica

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I am using the AMI that Jaspersoft has in the AWS marketplace.


As I explained in my first post - I can connect to the database (the test user has Administrative privileges), I can see all of the Schemas, I can test the connection, but cannot create a Domain.


Just to confirm that the JasperReports Server is working, I created a Database in Redshift, connected the JasperReports server to it and created several Domains and Reports.

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