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How to use MyDecimalFormat ?

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By: Philippe - phgaudin

How to use MyDecimalFormat ?

2005-05-23 00:14

In a Jasper Report, I would like to be able to format numbers using my own MyDecimalFormat class (which extends java.text.DecimalFormat).


Is it possible ? How ?


Thanks in advance !







By: Mitya - mityay

RE: How to use MyDecimalFormat ?

2005-05-23 09:43

You need to pass you decimal format as a parameter to jasperreport:

<parameter name="decimal_format" class="com.test.MyDecimalFormat"></parameter>

And then you can use it in expression: <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[((com.test.MyDecimalFormat)$P{decimal_format}).format(new java.lang.Double($F{value}))]]></textFieldExpression>






By: Philippe - phgaudin

RE: How to use MyDecimalFormat ?

2005-05-23 23:43

Thanks !


... but that's a little bit heavy... I think I will ask an enhancement to make it a "standard configuration parameter".



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