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Conditional Styling questions


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I see that this question has been asked several times, and I also see that it has been answered, but usually not with much detail, and I apologize if I have just missed it somewhere.

I have a report with about 50 variable fields on it.  In each of those fields, I want to show the currency formatted number in black, bold if it is 0 or greater than 0, and change only the color to red if it is less than 0.

I am testing this on one field only right now, I will also attach the full xml file as well.

I'm certain that there is something I am missing relatively simple here.  I also have a couple of questions related to this.  
  • Is there no way to apply a generic 'conditional format' to all fields on the report?  
  • Am I reading correctly that I will need to create a set of conditional styles for each field, and then apply the style (what I'm calling 'Normal') to each field?

I also downloaded and read the Ultimate User Guide, which only has a few bits of information on how this feature works.  Perhaps there is an online tutorial for this somewhere?  I'm happy to research it if pointed in the right direction.




M. Snyder

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From ireport-ultimate-guide.pdf :
In the condition expression you can use all the properties of the report object. Please note that the conditions cannot be generic,
for instance, you cannot set a condition like “if the number is positive” or “if the string is null.” You must be very specific,
specifying, for example, that a particular value (field, parameter, variable or any expression involving them) must be positive
or null, and so on.

I have similar problems :(

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