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JasperReports Server 4.7.0 CE on Oracle 11g Repository


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Hi All,

it seems that this question has been asked numerous times but so far I haven't quite had success in applying the answers given to my current environment:


  • Windows Server 2008 R2 64Bit
  • JasperReports Server 4.7.0  Community Edition
  • Oracle 11g R2 DB

The server is running quite nicely but it's using the preinstalled PostgreSQL db and I would like to switch to Oracle. Yes, I know this is not supported for the CE but still I would at least like to try it out and see for myself. In addition, my customer is Oracle-only and introducing PostgreSQL to his infrastructure would not really be welcome.

Having said that, the advice I can find here says to build the DDL script from source but the descriptions given on how to do that seem to be outdated at best. I have downloaded jasperreports-server-4.7.0-src.zip and created/adjusted buildomaticconf-sourcedboracledb.properties, added the required .jar file (ojdbc6) and made some other configuration changes (default_master.properties etc.) BUT ant refuses to generate anything. In fact, the only thing I'm after is a usable script for creating the required db objects on an Oracle db but even that is not created. Any ideas? Where is a _usable_ description of what needs to be done in order to achieve this?




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I checked, and I see that there are 2 version of ddl files, once for mysql and the other for PostgreSQL.


If you are using mysql 5.1, there are many problems with Jasper Server 4.7.0, and 4.7.0 only support mysql 5.5 and above.


That's why I think you must port for Oracle.

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Yes, I know there are two sets of DDL files delivered in the package. But if you install the 30 day trial for Pro, there is also Oracle, MS and IBM (DB2) Scripts available. As I indicated above, there are some instructions here on the forum on how to generate Oracle files from source but those instructions are either too complicated for me to understand them or they no longer apply with version 4.7.0.

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Should I take the scarcity of responses as an indicator that my approach is impossible or is it rather the unwillingness to allow for "Pro" functionality free of charge? If it is not possible indeed, that's also an answer, but to me it means that the functionality has been deliberately reduced to lure users to becoming "Pro" customers.

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