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Error: SQL problems: no such column:


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Background, I finally figured out how to get iReport to connect to my SQLite database on my OpenSuSE 12.2 x86_64 system. And now I am learning how to use iReport so as to eventually replace CrystalReports and therefore eliminate the need for me to run Windows in a VM instance.

Right now I am able to get data using simple queries but when I attempt more complex queries I get this error message:

Error: SQL problems: no such column: tblRteComp.rteStatus

But the table and the column do exist so I am a bit puzzled as to why iReport thinks it doesn't.

Here is the SQL I am using

SELECT * FROM tblHistory WHERE tblHistory.yerPer='201208' AND tblRteComp.rteStatus='Loaded' ORDER BY tblHistory.metId ASC

If I remove the clause for tblRteComp.rteStatus='Loaded' or just remove the portion that identifies the column in question the error goes away and it works. Ideas?

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