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Populating fields in an exact spot


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Hi there,

I am brand new to Jasper Reports.  I'm currently porting an application from .NET to Java.  The application prints double elimination brackets for an athletic event.  Essentially, the page is the bracket, a copyright, event name, watermark, and the athlete's (or teams) names in the proper seeded positions.

I'm trying to figure out how to accomplish the same thing using JasperReports (because I want to implement other bracket systems) but I'm struggling to figure out how to do this.

I don't have an exact data source (yet, I can make the program create whatever is needed) and I'm not exactly printing a "report", I'm more like taking a page template (or templates, some of the larger brackets are more than one page) and populating certain places with the data.

Can someone show an example of this or give the proverbial "kick in the right direction" ?

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!


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