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I'm assuming that you want you use iReport to develop reports that use Oracle as a datasource. For that, you will need to use the professional edition of the product, which has certified support for Oracle as a datasource. The community edition of iReport doesn't officially support Oracle, only PostgreSQL.

To test drive the commercial version of iReport, I suggest you download the commercial server edition (which comes contains the professional version of iReport) from http://www.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-business-intelligence-software-trial.


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I'm not familiar with Oracle apps, but the way you describe it, it sounds like there's a front-end (via a browser?), with a server backend, where users can use the various Oracle applications. It also sounds like you have a reporting requirement that you're trying to fulfill with Jaspersoft products.

First of all, you're taking the right approach by using iReport to design your reports. You'll have to connect it to an Oracle datasource. iReport is only a desktop application; you use it to design reports, and once you're satisfied with the reports (how they look and their contents), you need to deploy  the report to a server environment. In your server environment, you won't need iReport.

At the server level, you have a couple of choices. You can either deploy the JasperReports library to the server, and your server will use the library to fill and output the reports. You would be responsible for building the report functionality and using the JasperReports APIs to compile the reports you built in iReport, filling them with data, and returning the finished report in the right format to the user.

Your other choice is to simply set up JasperReports Server, which is a standard Java web application, and integrate your Oracle apps with JasperReports Server. You can do this in many ways (such as web services or IFrame integration), and you get the advantage of getting server functionality (such as scheduling reports, OLAP, email integration, etc) in addition to the JasperReports library.



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