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Embedding non-native fonts dynamically from multiple requests


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I started working with JasperReports a few weeks ago and It's the first time that I post in this forum. Hope you guys can help me.

I'm developing an application in the university that I work with the purpose of receiving several requests from all the systems and generate several different reports. It will serve purely as a report generator, running with Jetty in a server.

The problem is that many reports have different fonts, like diplomas and certificates. I'm familiar with how font extensions work, but the first issue to this approach is that the fonts used may not have been antecipated or may be named differently by whoever created the report in iReport. The second issue is that the service can't stop and be restarted with other .jar covering the new fonts added, as many requests are running.

I intend that when someone creates a new report, the application would receive the jar containing the fonts files and store it. With the Jars stored, they can be switched depending on the report I'm generating. 

Since we need to get this done, we're creating a repository with all the fonts, knowing that one day someone will complain about some report. One possible solution that I thought about is to have an applicattion just for receiving requests and executing one other application that generates the report, calling in the classpath the right jar, but I don't know if this will overload the server.

Anyone have ever worked with something like this or has some useful tip to give me?

Thanks in advance,




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