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Jasperserver login TimeZones does not show all the System TimeZones


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Recently installed jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0 on a Windows 2003 Server. Didn't used the installer, installed using an existing Tomcat and Postgre. It works ok, the only problem is that the log in timezones don't show the time zone set in the OS (GMT-05:00 Bogotá, Lima, Quito). The first line displayed by default in the time zone combo is (GMT-05:00 - GMT-05:00) but if left selected, the server displays a 5321 error. If you want to change the time zone, the local time zone (GMT-05:00 Bogotá, Lima, Quito) is not included in the list of available time zones. I have changed the applicationContext.xml to add the needed timezone, but it seems JasperServer is overriding this changes and continues to show only the timezones depicted in the attached picture. Please give some advise on how to configure JS to use the correct timezones.

Best regards,

Fernando Rivera

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Thank you, found the cause, the server JVM timezone and locale were not set. Once set, the problem was solved. Still got a problem with sending reports by email, but it is another subject, if I can´t solve it will post another thread. Thanks again.

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Hola y disculpas por la demora en la respuesta. El cambio se hizo en la configuración java del servidor Tomcat. Detallo a continuación las líneas que se incluyeron:


Estos son los settings para nuestro caso en particular, hay que saber los nombres de los timezones, y los códigos de idioma y país que reconoce el java. Espero que sea de ayuda.

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