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Where to put JDBC driver jars or add to path?


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 I am using the standalone Jaspersoft Studio (rather than the Eclipse plugin) and want to connect to set up a data source for MySQL.

I already have various JDBC drivers for MySQL and am familiar with setting up drivers in Eclipse. In the standalone Studio the options under Preferences:Java:Build Path:User Libraries looked familiar enough. I added a user library and added the mysql-connector jar to it. However, I still get a class not found error when I try to create a new Data Adapter for MySQL and test it.

What is the correct way to add a JDBC driver to the JasperSoft Studio classpath?


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Thanks for the reply. I missed the "Driver Classpath" tab in the Data Adapter dialog. Obvious really!

It would still be useful to add the driver to the classpath so it is always available. The only thing I could find which looks anything like the standard Eclipse way was in Preferences as I mentioned above. Can you be more specific about where to set this up?

Stacktrace attached.


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  • 3 months later...

the standard eclipse way to add jars to classpath, is to use Project Properties, Java Build Path pages

right click on you project, on the bottom you have Properties, go to "Java Build Path" pages, the best way is to create a lib folder inside your project and put there your drivers, in this way you can share your configuration on CVS, SVN, GIT, etc.

you can also have classpath settings for each DataAdapter, in this case you have to use paths relative to your current filesystem


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