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By: cristales - cristales


2004-07-29 09:16

I'm new with JasperReports, and I need to show a report inside an applet in a jsp page. the report content is generated from an Struts Action.


some body can help me!



By: cristales - cristales

RE: Struts-Applet-JSP

2004-07-29 11:02

It's possible set JasperReport Applet, data source from a request object, like a StrutForm or an ArrayList?



By: Mykel Alvis - evilarchitect

RE: Struts-Applet-JSP

2004-07-29 11:06

The web demo does this (sort of). I'm working on a war file that will do this as another example.

It'll be done sometime soon.



By: cristales - cristales

RE: Struts-Applet-JSP

2004-07-29 12:41

thanks, but I reading the wepapp demo and not saw how I can doit.




By: ramon - toquitoqui

RE: Struts-Applet-JSP

2004-07-31 14:45

I am using JasperReport in order to generate a report file, from inside Strut's Action.


For filling the data, I am using just the Map parameters . I get the data from each property named inside Strut's Form (DynaValidatorActionForm) to the corresponding field named inside the XXX.xml. In order to replace the Database, I use REmptyDataSource like conn Probably there are better and more elegant solution, ... but it works.


I have been a lot of problem in order to eliminate a "NotFound dori.jasper... package" or "Not Found net.sf.jasperreports... package" at the compilation time. At the end (after to make a lot of changes and revisions of classpath?), I fixed the problem using the internal JRBshCompiler.


I need help now, in order to fix one problem. I get the XXX.xml file, using an static path (c:/../../../..XXX.xml). All the access to something.realPath() bring me null.

At this time, I am using a web application with a war file generated with ant/build.xml, using Weblogic application and jasperreports-0.6.0.jar (the program works with jasperreports-0.5.3.jar too)


Thanks in advance.






By: cristales - cristales

RE: Struts-Applet-JSP

2004-10-21 11:06


I follow the webapp example, creating the

org.myorg.web.reports.EmbeddedViewerApplet.class and a respective servlet that generate the fillreport.


but now the applet not run, the explorer showns a empty box, I used the following HTML code:

<APPLET code="EmbeddedViewerApplet.class"


archive = "jasperreports-0.6.1-applet.jar"

width="600" height="300" >

<PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.2">

<PARAM NAME="scriptable" VALUE="false">




I'm using eclipse 3.0, tomcat 5.28 on windows XP for debugin mode.

if I try the uir /rptPrint this run and i can debug, but the applet not run, what's wrong.

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