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Tutorial: Table Component and Interactivity with JasperReports Server


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FYI - Just posted a tutorial that walks through adding a table component to a report to get some of the new report interactivity in JasperReports Server.  I hope to create more like it in the future and either post to a blog or add to the project wiki, etc.

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  • 2 months later...

Good Morning mgeise,

first thanks for the step by step example of the table component feature,

but as i am running the report from the preview button in ireport, nothing happens! maybe bec. the main report's query is select 1 as dummy_field, although i have set the report's property that when no do print all sections

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


first i would like to thank you for this great tutorial.

I'm using iReport 4.5.0 pro and JasperReports Server Pro 4.5.0 and everything works smoothly in iReport. Deploying to the server works well too. But when i run my report on the server,  the report is loading endlessly. The datasource should be correct since there is no problem if i don't use a table.

After taking all fields out of the cells the report is shown - sure the cells are empty but i can see some rows.



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 Hi Simon,

Do you see anything in the server log that might point to a problem?  Is the dataset that you are using the same between the server and iReport the same?

My guess is that there could be a situation where the content of a band or row is trying to fit onto a page when the row stretchs to a hieght greater than the page size.  It could find that it can not fit onto the current page, so it skips to the next page - finds the same issue, and so on indefinitely.  There is a governor setting in JasperReports that can be used to terminate the report if it gets over a certain number of pages, etc.  You would add (or modify the setting) of this in the jasperreports.properties file and restart the server. (http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.governor.max.pages.enabled)

You could try playing around with this property to see if you can confirm that this is happening.

I hope this helps.



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Hey, i'm having the same situation mentioned by @sose. I've checked the page size and the issue still appears, even if in the query we retrieve only one field.


I've not checked the net.sf.jasperreports.governo parameter. I'll tell you the news soon.






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It didn't work. Adding the parameter net.sf.jasperreports.governor.max.pages.enabled and limiting the report to 14 pages it still be in an infinite loop.

Any other suggestion?

Thanks in advance,


Post Edited by rpoillot at 05/17/2012 19:27
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  • 2 months later...

Hyberlink is unclickable with Interactive table componet... instead of going to the target page it pop up the sorting/filltering menu.

Is there are any solution to fix this?

It's should only show the menu if you click on the header not the detail..

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  • 1 month later...


   First of all, thank you for those 2 useful tools ! Ireport and JServer are just great. 

  I followed step by step the tutorial at: 


 The "table" component works just fine in IReport, in both cases: "previewed" ;  "Run JasperServerReport" in Repository Navigator. 

PROBLEM: when trying to access the report in JasperServer directly, the application returns nothing.

What possible cause may lie behind this problem ?


I tried to see if there is a "dataset" transfer problem, (as the "table" gets its data from a dataset, not the main query) and i created a different report with one chart, who also gets its data from a dataset, not the main query. The chart works smoothly. 



  Thanks a lot. 


<datasetRun subDataset="MyTable_dataset" uuid="391fdcb3-4e46-47eb-bbc8-d9e8d5ad1f7b">    <connectionExpression><![CDATA[$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}]]></connectionExpression></datasetRun>
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  • 2 months later...


I am trying to create a hyperlinked table report where I can click anywhere in table and open a new report based on clicked value but I am not able to pass that clicked value to new hyperlinked report. I am using JasperReport server 4.5 , So how can I create a report like this?

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