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Data printing over itself


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 Hello - 

I had a report working 100% perfect on an oracle based jasperserver. 

I recently did a new server installation on the PostgrSQL database (out of box configuration)


I opened all of the files from the previous repository and then uploaded them as they were onto the new repository. All files run fine with the exception of one report that has several sub reports. 

The data is printing over itself even within the same text box and no settings have changed whatsoever. They are the exact same files. 

Any ideas why this would happen? 

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 Hi Raphael - 

I apologize - I missed your response. I am using a new version of ireport now - but the xml files are identical from the looks of csdiff. 

To further triage the problem, I did the following - 

1. Took the working file from the old server

2. Removed all subreports (5) 

3. Compared the xml files to ensure they were still identical

4. Uploaded to the old repository and new repository

5. Re-ran from the old and new server

I've posted a top/bottom graphic of the working and non-working version. 

I have to cover identifying information (teal) - but the concept is still there that it's not formatting correctly from the same exact file. 

The two points I called attention to are where the left header piece is two lines writing over itself - and the project name is printing outside of the background band. 

I appreciate any help you can provide to me. 



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