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How to create custom Input Control.


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That's a sparse comment and probably won't get you many replies.  What do you want a custom control to do?  Do you want the custom control to set some parameters you have within a report?  If so, there's a lot of examples that ship with the jasper distribution which shows how to set parameters from a UI for a report.

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Thank you frankhassanabad very much.

Nice to meet you.

I want write a application like custom datasource.In this application.I will use some library of jasper support.Then,I use ant to complier to jasperReport.I don't know in jasperReport have a libary for support custom input Control.

Thanks.Sorry about my English.

My email : lamnhungoc@gmail.com

I'm happy if I make friend with you.

Thank you.

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Well, for custom input controls it depends on what UI technology you want to use.  If it's client side UI development like JavaFX, Swing, SWT, etc...then you would write your own UI controls that send in parameters to change their values and you could use Jasper library and that will work.

Kind of the same thing if you use Web UI developement such as JSF, ext, JavaFX, flex + blaze ds, etc...  However, if you want to change more than just the parameters such as columns and other static things you would have to use a library like DynamicJasper or output your own .jrxml modificaitons yourself before sending that through Jasper.

Now if you use a product like Jasper Server, that's something else altogether which I'm not really an expert at yet so that might make it easier if you want to leverage that product which has dashboard technology and other really nice features. 

My advice would be to learn from the samples first, play with some code, and then read the ultimate guide to Jasper Reporting library as well as play with Dynamic Jasper and Jasper Server to see what you can do with these things.


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